Happy Father’s Day SMS, Quotes, Messages, Sayings & Cards 2015


Father’s day is celebrated on 21st June 2015, Sunday. Research shows that rejection of father’s love affects the child’s behavior, self-esteem, emotional stability and mental health. Lucky are those who get the presence and unconditional support of father which helps to boost the children’s sense of well-being and leads to improvement of their emotional and physical health. So let’s recognize that fathers are key in all ways as mothers are and celebrate this father’s day and value the lovely relationship.

Here we present Happy Father’s Day SMS, Quotes, Messages, Sayings & Cards 2015

  1. Pay My Regards To Ur Father Who Is Tolerating Such A Dumb Duffer Child,, What A Stamina He Has Got.. I Salute Ur Father. Happy Fathers Day 2015
  2. Dad you are never wrong. The only time you are wrong is when you think, I forgot about you. Love you Dad! Have a grand Father’s Day 2015!
  3. It is easier for a father to have children than for children to have a real father.
    I’m glad to have u dad, HAPPY FATHER’S DAY 2015.
  4. What You Have Inherited From Your Father, You Must Earn Over Again For Yourselves,
    Or It Will Not Be Yours. Happy Father’s Day 2015.
  5. So many wonderful moments we have spent together, Thinking of u father brings memories 2 mind, I love u so much. Happy Fathers Day 2015!
  6. U ‘ve seen me laugh u have seen me cry And alwayz u were there with me I may not have always said it But thanks and I love u Happy Fathers Day 2015.
  7. God gave me the greatest gift I ever had, God gave me a best friend in the form of my dad. Father’s Day wishes for a dad who is one in a million! Happy Father’s Day 2015.

Father's Day 2015 Images (25) Father's Day 2015 Images Father's Day 2015 Images (1) Father's Day 2015 Images (2) Father's Day 2015 Images (3) Father's Day 2015 Images (4) Father's Day 2015 Images (5) Father's Day 2015 Images (6) Father's Day 2015 Images (7) Father's Day 2015 Images (8) Father's Day 2015 Images (9) Father's Day 2015 Images (10) Father's Day 2015 Images (11) Father's Day 2015 Images (12) Father's Day 2015 Images (13) Father's Day 2015 Images (14) Father's Day 2015 Images (15) Father's Day 2015 Images (16) Father's Day 2015 Images (17) Father's Day 2015 Images (18) Father's Day 2015 Images (19) Father's Day 2015 Images (20) Father's Day 2015 Images (21) Father's Day 2015 Images (22) Father's Day 2015 Images (23) Father's Day 2015 Images (24)

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