Happy Father’s Day SMS, Text Messages, Wishes In Marathi


Father’s day is a modern holiday where a simple phone call or greetings card can honor father figures. Father figures can include fathers, step-fathers, fathers-in-law, grandfathers, great-grandfathers etc.

Here we present Happy Father’s Day SMS, Text Messages, Wishes In Marathi:


Me phule magitli
Tu maalaa pushpaguchya dilaas’
Men dagad magitla”
Tu mala sundar murti dilis
Men morpis magitle
Tu maalaa mor dilas
Baahiri aahes ki kay ?


Tumcha vaadhdivas khaas Aahe
Kaaran tumhi aamche preranasthaan aahaat
Ya sukhi ani samruddha parivaracha
Tumhich tar khara maan aahaat
Vadhdivsachya shubheccha


Ratra nahi Swapna badaltat
Dheya nahi Raste badaltat…
Mannat assu diyaa nehami jinkayche aahe.
Karran nashib badlo na badlo,
Pan Vel nakki badalte
Have Nice Fathers Day.



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