Happy Father’s Day Wishes, SMS 2014


Father’s day is celebrated in different countries on different dates. Many countries observe the day on 15 June 2014, Sunday to recognize the contribution of fathers, fatherhood and male parenting.

Here we present Happy Father’s Day Wishes, SMS 2014:


1. When I was born,
You were there to catch me when i fall, whenever and wherever.
When i said my first words,
You were there for me,
to teach me the whole dictionary if need be.
When i took my first steps,
You were there to encourage me on.
I know you will be there for me through all these times and more, the good and bad.
So i just wanted to say I LOVE YOU DAD. Happy Father’s Day

2. Know The Person
Who Just Needs The
“101 Ways To Make A Great Dad”,
Dad Don’t Worry,
It’s Not You;
You’re The Excellent Dad
I Will Ever Have.

3. For the best dad who always had a smile for me. Though we may be far apart right now, But here’s a big hug and kiss for you to let you know how special you are – Happy Father’s Day!


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