Happy International Panic Day 2014 SMS, Sayings, Quotes, Text Messages, Status For Facebook, WhatsApp Messages


International Panic Day is observed on 18 June 2014. It is an event to slow down a little and enjoy life a lot more. Stress is a part of our daily lives and everyone handles stress differently. On this day, learn how to better manage the stress in your life in order to avoid future panic attacks. Take a moment out of your busy schedule and do something just for you!

Here we present Happy International Panic Day 2014 SMS, Sayings, Quotes, Text Messages, Status For Facebook, WhatsApp Messages


  1. “It was so strange, the way that life moved forward: the twists and the dead ends, the sudden opportunities. She supposed if you could predict or foresee everything that was going to happen, you’d lose the motivation to go through it all. The promise was always in the possibility.”
  2. “She knew, now, that there was always light—beyond the dark, and the fear, out of the depths; there was sun to reach for, and air and space and freedom.
  3. There was always a way up, and out, and no need to be afraid.”
  4. “The rules of Panic are simple. Anyone can enter. But only one person will win.”
  5. “when you love someone, when you care for someone, you have to do it through the good and the bad. Not just when you’re happy and it’s easy.”

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