Happy International Surfing Day 2014 SMS, Sayings, Quotes, Text Messages, Status For Facebook, WhatsApp Messages


International Surfing Day is celebrated on 21 June 2014. It is an unofficial, environmentally conscious holiday that celebrates the surfing lifestyle. The day is observed by promoting the popularity of surfing and to attract new participants.

Here we present Happy International Surfing Day 2014 SMS, Sayings, Quotes, Text Messages, Status For Facebook, WhatsApp Messages:




  1. “It’s all about where your mind’s at” – Kelly Slater
  2. “The joy of surfing is so many things combined, from the physical exertion of it, to the challenge of it, to the mental side of the sport” – Kelly Slater
  3. “I think when a surfer becomes a surfer, it’s almost like an obligation to be an environmentalist at the same time” – Kelly Slater
  4. “I’m just a surfer who wanted to build something that would allow me to surf longer” – Jack O’Neill
  5. “I took off on a wave, went down the side, popped out the other end, and went, shit, I’m still alive!” – Greg Noll
  6. “It’s a culmination of your life of surfing when you turn and paddle in at Mavericks” –Jeff Clark


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