Happy Islamic New Year 2014 SMS, WhatsApp Messages, Facebook Status, Quotes, Wishes, Wordings in Hindi, Urdu


Happy Islamic New Year 2014 SMS, WhatsApp Messages, Facebook Status, Quotes, Wishes, Wordings in Hindi, Urdu

Islamic New Year 1

1) Sajde se Karbala Ko Bandagi Mil Gayi
Sabar Se Ummat Ko Zindagi Mil Gayi
Ek Chamman Fatima (S.A) Ka Ujra
Magar Sare Islam Ko Zindagi Mil Gayi…

Happy Islamic New year 2014!

Islamic New Year 2

2) Leta tamaam kaam woh apne wali se hai,
Nisbat har ek imam ki noor-e-jali se hai,
Kul akhtiyaar de diya Hassan-o-Hussain ko,
Deta khuda zaroor hai par milta Ali say hai…

Happy Islamic New year 2014!

Islamic New Year 3

3) Ae Karbala ke qasr ki mai’maar as’salam….
Ae jur’aton ki aahani deewar as’salam….
Ghurbat may Shahzadi-e Mukhtar as’salam….
Ae ghaaza-e-rukh-e-Shah-e-abraar as’salam….
Jo rang chad chuka tha utarne nahi diya….
Tune kisi Shaheed ko marne nahi diya.

Happy Islamic New year 2014!




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Aishwarya Mehta
live lazzy ..... go crazzy ^_^ Berry pin - 7582495D <3 <3 intagram - ash_0309

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