Happy Krishna Janmashtami SMS, Messages, Quotes, Wishes, Greetings, Wordings in Urdu 2014


Happy Krishna Janmashtami SMS, Messages, Quotes, Wishes, Greetings, Wordings in Urdu 2014


  1. Radhe ka prem Murli ki mithas Makhan ka swad Gopiyon ka raas Inhi se milke ban ta he Janmashtami ka din khas Happy janmashtami in advance.
  2. Chandan Ki Khushboo Resham Ka Haar, Sawan Ki Sugandh Aur Resham Ki Fuhaar, Radha Ki Ummid Ko Kanhaiya Ka Pyaar , Mubarak Ho AapKo Advance Janmashtami Ka Tyohaar..!!
  3. Krishan Ka Naam Lo Sahara Milega. Yeh Jeevan Na Tumko Dubara Milega. Happy Janmashtami To You. In Advance
  4. Krishna ki kadmo par kadam badhaye chalo , Murli nahi hai to siti bajaye chalo , Radha to ghar wale dila hi denge , Tabtak gopiya pataye chalo ..!! Wishing You A Happy And Blessed JANMASHTAMI ..!!

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Aishwarya Mehta
live lazzy ..... go crazzy ^_^ Berry pin - 7582495D <3 <3 intagram - ash_0309

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