Happy May Day 2014 Greetings, HD Images, Wishes, SMS, Pictures, Messages, Wallpapers


May Day or International Workers’ Day or Labor Day is the global celebration of labor and the working classes that occurs on 1st May 2014. It is a national public holiday in more than 80 countries to remind the global struggles by workers for achieving their human rights. It is also a traditional spring holiday in many cultures.


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Here we present Happy May Day 2014 Greetings, HD Images, Wishes, SMS, Pictures, Messages, Wallpapers:

1) So Jatay Hain Footpath Pe Akhbaar Bicha Kar,
Mazdoor Kabhi Neend Ki Goli Nahi Khatay,
Happy 1st May Labour Day….

2) “May-Day, May-Day!! Nah, i wasn’t calling for help, I wishing you Happy May Day :P”

3) “Happy May Day to my Family, Friends and Relatives. May this Spring be the best we ever had. Lets enjoy the blossoms of Festive Season. Regards for May Day.”

4) “You Wanna make your life simple and happy? Here’s the simple things ‘Let the things go away that makes you feel sad’ Happy May Day.”

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