Happy Mumbai Monsoon 2015 SMS, Facebook Status, WhatsApp Messages


Rains have arrived in Mumbai and like every year Mumbaikars are thrilled to enjoy the unexpected holidays, steaming pakoras and watching romantic movie sessions. Rains always bring smile to anyone’s face of any age-group. Those huge traffic jams, leaking ceilings and delayed trains doesn’t really matter especially when you get to smell the wet mud, enjoy to view lush greenery and feel at peace with the cool breeze.

Here we present Happy Mumbai Monsoon 2015 SMS, Facebook Status, WhatsApp Messages

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1) Let the rain kiss you.
Let the rain beat upon your head with silver liquid drops.
Let the rain sing you a lullaby.
The rain makes still pools on the sidewalk.
The rain makes running pools in the gutter.
The rain plays a little sellp-song on our roof at night–
And I love the rain. Happy Mumbai Monsoon 2015.

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2) Blue is song, Yellow is music, Green is beauty, Red is love, White is peace, Pink is joy. May all these colours fall on you with this rain… Happy Mumbai Monsoon 2015.

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3) While raining,
all bird pick shelter except Eagle
He goes over cloud & avoid rain
Attitude makes him King of Sky. Happy Mumbai Monsoon 2015.

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4) The rain makes all things beautiful, the grass & flowers 2, If rain makes all things beautiful, Why doesn’t it rain on you? Happy Mumbai Monsoon 2015.     

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5) The rain may cover the sun but we know that the sun never forgets to shine, just like you, I may not often see you But you always shine in my prays. Happy Mumbai Monsoon 2015.           

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6) Sunshine is delicious,

Rain is refreshing,

Wind braces us up,

Snow is exhilarating;

There is really no such thing as bad weather,

Only different kinds of good weather.

Have A Good Rainy Day. Happy Mumbai Monsoon 2015.

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7) I am sure it is a great mistake
always to know enough to go
in when it rains.
One may keep snug and dry by such knowledge,
but one misses a world of loveliness. Happy Mumbai Monsoon 2015.

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8) Summer rain is soft and cool,
so I go barefoot in a pool.
But winter rain is cold, and pours,
so I must watch it from indoors. Happy Mumbai Monsoon 2015.

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9) The Rain Falls Because The Sky
Can No Longer Handle Its Heaviness,
Just Like The Tears,
It Falls Because The
Heart Can No
Longer Handle The Pain. Happy Mumbai Monsoon 2015.

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