Happy Muslim New Year 2014 SMS, WhatsApp Messages, Facebook Status, Quotes, Wishes, Wordings in Hindi, Urdu


Happy Muslim New Year 2014 SMS, WhatsApp Messages, Facebook Status, Quotes, Wishes, Wordings in Hindi, Urdu

Muslim new year 1


1) Khoon se Chirag-e-deen jalaya Hussain ne,
Rasm-e-Wafa ko khoob nibhaya Hussain ne..
Khud ko to ek boond bhi pani na mil saka,
Karb-o-Bala ko khoon pilaya Hussain ne..
Aesi namaz kaun parhega jahan mein?
Sajda kiya to sar na uthaya Hussain ne.!
Sab kuch Khuda ki raah mein Qurban kar diya,
Asghar sa phool bhi na bachaya Hussain ne..

Muslim new year 2

2) Yun hi nahi jahan main
Charcha HUSSAIN ka
Kuch dekh ke hua tha
Zamana HUSSAIN ka
Sar de ke do jahan ki
Hukumat khareed li
Mehenga pada Yazeed ko
Sauda HUSSAIN ka…

Muslim new year 3

3) Karib Allah ke aao to koi baat bane,
Imaan phir se jagao to koi baat bane,
Lahoo jo beh gaya Karbala me,
Unke Maqsad ko samjho to koi baat bane…

Don’t miss to check:

Latest SMS, Wallpapers of Happy Muharram 2014 / Happy Islamic New Year 2014 / Happy Muslim New Year 2014


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Aishwarya Mehta
live lazzy ..... go crazzy ^_^ Berry pin - 7582495D <3 <3 intagram - ash_0309


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