Happy National Chocolate Chip Day Greetings, SMS, Messages, Wishes, Quotes, Cards, Text Messages 2014


Chocolate chips are great in cookies, ice cream, crepes and even on their own. Celebrate National Chocolate Chip Day 2014 on 15th May 2014 by making something really special with chocolate chips and share it with friends or neigbours. Enjoy the day with some really great tasting treats!

Don’t miss to check : Happy National Chocolate Chip Day Greetings, SMS, Messages, Wishes, Cards, Pictures 2014



Here we present Happy National Chocolate Chip Day Greetings, SMS, Messages, Wishes, Quotes, Cards, Text Messages 2014:

This is a chocolate message,
For a dairy milk person,
From a five star friend,
For a melody reason,
And a kitkat time,
On a munch day,
In a perk mood to say,
Happy Chocolate Chip Day 2014..



Life is like a chocolate box,
Each chocolate is like a portion of life,
Some are crunchy, some are nutty,
Some are soft, but all are DELICIOUS.
Happy Chocolate Chip Day 2014 to my love one!



Today is chocolate day,
Dairy milk 4 love,
Perk for friends,
Kit Kat for best friends,
Polo for hatred,
And mentos for cool persons,
what do you choose 4 me
Best Wishes on Chocolate Chip Day 2014.



Lovely chocolate and Lovely u,
And Lovely are the things you do,
But the loveliest is the friendship of the two,
One is Me and Other is u!
“Happy chocolate chip day 2014”


Don’t miss to check : Happy National Chocolate Chip Day Greetings, SMS, Messages, Wishes, Cards, Pictures 2014


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