Happy New Year 2011!


Happiness deep down within.

Serenity with each sunrise .

Success in each facet of your life .

Family beside you.

Close and caring friends .

Health, inside you.

Love that never ends.

Special memories of all the yesterdays .

A bright today with much to be thankful for .

A path that leads to beautiful tomorrows.

Dreams that do their best to come true.

Appreciation of all the wonderful things about you.

Wishing you lots of Happiness , Success , Love and Good health


New Year Wishes

2010 is going to finish

Now, we need to face 2011

There may be risks involved

We may need to face roadblocks

So stay alert

Share time with friends

Jump over obstacles

With care

And caution

Face Challenges

Remember to laugh



Make new friends

Above all, be ready for adventure

Stick together

And you will be able to go far

Very far

Well, quite not that far

Always take time to smell the flowers

Don’t forget to relax and enjoy

And don’t forget that BMS.co.in is always there for you all BMSites!!

BMS.co.in Team wishes you all a very Happy and Prosperous New Year 🙂

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