Happy New Year 2015 Wallpapers, Wishes, Greetings, E-Cards Free Download


Happy New Year 2015 Wallpapers, Wishes, Greetings, E-Cards Free Download

1. The New Year is the time of unfolding horizons and the realization of dreams, may you rediscover new strength and garner faith with you, and be able to rejoice in the simple pleasures that life has to offer and put a brave front for all the challenges that may come your way. Wishing you a lovely New Year.

2. There are things that are sometimes left undone and there are things that can be left sometimes unsaid. There are things that can be sometimes left unsaid, but wishing someone like you can’t ever be left, so I take this moment to wish you and your loved ones a joyous and wonderful New Year.

3. Time is like a flowing river, no water passes beneath your feet twice, much like the river, moments never pass you by again, so cherish every moment that life gives you and have a wonderful New Year.

4. May the coming year bring more happiness to you than last year. May you have an amazing year. Happy New Year.

5. May the gift of love, happiness, peace, and warmth be yours as you make a new start. Happy New Year!

6. May the New Year bring to you Warmth of love and a light to guide your path towards a positive destination. Happy New Year!

7. May the new year bring you greater heights of success and prosperity. Have a happy new year!

8. The future ahead, holds numerous surprises for you. Be open to changes. Happy New Year.

Happy new year  (1) Happy new year  (2) Happy new year  (3) Happy new year  (4) Happy new year  (5) Happy new year  (6) Happy new year  (7) Happy new year  (8) Happy new year  (9) Happy new year  (10) Happy new year  (11) Happy new year  (12) Happy new year  (13)


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