Happy New Year Greetings, Images, New Year Wallpapers 2015


Happy New Year Greetings, Images, New Year Wallpapers 2015


Here’s to the New Year…
And all the promises
And hopes it brings!
As you sip your wine
Celebrating the New Year
Hope each day brings you
Showers of joy and surprises!
Happy New Year 2015!


May your new year be blessed
with peace, love and joy.
Sending you my heartfelt wishes
With joy that never ends.
Wishing you a very
Happy New Year 2015!


Joy to your heart…
and warmth to your home!
As the New Year arrives…
Hope it brings along happiness,
hope and good tidings…
To stay on and on
Happy New Year 2015!


New is the year, new are the hopes and the aspirations,
New is the resolution, new are the spirits and..
Forever my warm wishes are for you
Have a promising and fulfilling New Year
Here is a wishing that the coming year is a glorious
One that rewards all your future endeavors with success..
Wishing you heartfelt and prosperous
Happy New Year 2015!


May each day of the New Year
Bring happiness, good cheer
And sweet surprises…
To you and all your dear ones!
Happy New Year 2015!

Happy new year  (1) Happy new year  (1) Happy new year  (2) Happy new year  (3) Happy new year  (4) Happy new year  (5) Happy new year  (6) Happy new year  (7) Happy new year  (8) Happy new year  (9) Happy new year  (10) Happy new year  (11) Happy new year  (12) Happy new year  (13) Happy new year  (14) Happy new year  (15) Happy new year  (16) Abstract Beauty 2015 New Year Background. Vector Illustration Happy new year  (18) Happy new year  (19) Happy new year  (20) Happy new year  (21) Happy new year  (22)

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