Happy Nyepi Day 2014 HD Images, Greetings, Wallpapers Free Download


Nyepi also known as Balinese New Year or Saka New Year is a “Day of Silence” in Bali, Indonesia which has more than 90% Hindus. It is celebrated on 31st March 2014 by being silent, fasting and meditation. It is observed from 6 a.m until 6 a.m. next morning.

4 days of celebrating Nyepi:

1) Cleansing ritual takes place where people bathe their household deity and themselves in the ocean seeking the blessing of God Varuna to purify their body and souls.

2) Tawur Kesanga or Tawur Agung is when the evil Bhuta Kala is burnt and huge demon-like creatures – Ogoh-ogoh, made of bamboo are paraded around the village in the evening.

3) Nyepi is New year – day of silence with no activity and contemplating to purify the mind and body.

4) Ngembak Geni day is spent in prayers and a get-together of family and  friends to meet and celebrate.

Check out our amazing beautiful collection of Happy Nyepi Day 2014 wallpapers, greetings, images in HD for free:

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