Happy Raksha Bandhan 2014 Free Messages Quotes SMS Wishes Sayings One Liners


In India, Rakhi celebrations are about strengthening the bond of love between brothers and sisters and fostering brotherhood. Rakhi festival is the celebration of the chaste bond of love amongst the siblings.

Here we present Happy Raksha Bandhan 2014 Free Messages Quotes SMS Wishes Sayings One Liners


Happy Raksha Bandhan 2014 Messages:

Dear Brother,
Today Is Rakhsha Bandan
And U R Not Here By My Side..
But We R Close In Each
Others Thought And My Love
Will Always Be With U.
I Love U & Missing You
Happy Rakshan Bandhan…
My Dear Brother is one
of the most precious
gift sent by God.
Happy Raksha Bandhan to you…

What Is The Day Without Sun,
What Is The Night Without Moon ,
What Is The Life Without Struggle,
What Is The Death With Fear,
What Is The Festivals Without Relatives,
What Is The Fun Without Friends,
I Think Every Single Moment…!!
Love My Small Sister!!
Happy Raksha Bandhan..!!!

We were always close,
looking out for each other
even when life led us along different paths…
Like an invisible thread,
our love binds us together,
making sure we’ll remember
where we came from and what we mean to each other.
Wishing you a joyous Raksha Bandhan, Dear Brother.

Wishing You A Happy Day Of Our Bond,
A Day Of Our Love And
A Day Of The Never Ending
Sweet Relation We Have.
You Make Me A Proud Sister.
Happy Rakshabandhan 2014

Sister is someone who is caring and sharing.
Sister can understand things you never said.
She can understand pain which is not visible to anyone.
I love my sister.

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