Happy Raksha Bandhan HD Pictures, Images Wallpapers for Facebook, Myspace, Hi5 Quotes SMS Messages

  • Rakhi it’s not a thread its a bond of protection
  •  Holi is colourful,Diwali is lightful and brightful,Rakhi has made our relationship POWERFUL.
  • Your love makes me feel proud.And on this day I want to shout it out loud.Happy Raksha Bandhan my sister.
  •  My Dear Brother is one of the most precious gift sent by God.Happy Raksha Bandhan to you.
  • There is a little boy inside the man who is my brother … Oh, how I hated that little boy. And how I love him too.
  •  Today Is Rakhsha Bandan And U R Not Here By My Side..But We R Close In Each Others Thought And My Love Will Always Be With U


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