Happy Teachers Day 2014 !


Teachers are the cornerstones of our future and act as foundation for creating responsible citizens and good human beings. This day is celebrated to show our acknowledgement and recognition of the hard work put in by our teachers towards our development.


In all countries the world round, which celebrate Teachers’ Day the day normally involves with children, students and pupils presenting gifts, flowers another tokens of appreciation to their beloved teachers. More or less in all countries of the world, this special occasion is celebrated to show respect for great thinkers/educators or great personality who contributed selflessly in the promotion of education in their respective countries. Teacher’s day in some countries of the world is as under:

  • Pakistan: 5th October
  • China: 10th September
  • Brazil: 15th October
  • New Zealand: 29th October
  • Malaysia: 16th May
  • Sri Lanka: 6th October
  • Germany: 5th October

In India 5th September is celebrated as Teaches’ Day as a mark of tribute to the contribution made by teachers to the society. 5th September is the birthday of a great teacher Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan, who was a staunch believer of education, and was the well-known diplomat, scholar, President of India and above all a Teacher. Customary practices throughout the world flooding the teacher’s desk with flowers and chocolates and most importantly hand-made cards and hand-written notes. In some countries school-children organize day-long events at their school including dance recitals, songs, theatre. The day, in general breaks the monotony of a daily scholastic routine and not much is actually studied on teacher’s day. The atmosphere is very genial and teachers and students share a very informal camaraderie.The Teacher’s day is today an occasion looked forward by teachers and students. It is a fun filled day at the same time helps to develop a better bonding between the teachers and students.

On this occasion of teacher’s day, Thank a teacher. Teachers inspire greatness and change lives. Take the time to show your appreciation today.

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M5q9NnkfOyc?rel=0&w=560&h=315]

Tanvi Shah

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Smita Singh


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