Happy Thoughts Make A Happier Healthier Body


Thoughts are the things that come to one’s mind. Thoughts are the things that you think about. It could be anything right from objects subjects people place or a certain activity. You think of so many things in the world. You are just one person with a multiple thoughts going through your little head. Thought is something that makes you think. It makes you reflect and re think and decide. It captures your mind and all the attention. You may be engrossed in thinking throughout the day. Thoughts influence what you do. Thoughts influence how you react. Thoughts are meant to come. We all think, somewhere, somehow and sometime. In fact all the time we keep thinking and something is always running about in our minds.

The same thoughts may worry you or make you happy or sad. It may make you nostalgic or think about the future. A human brain might sit idle without doing anything. But a human brain doesn’t remain idle. It keeps on thinking. Even if you are relaxing and resting your brain thinks of something and someone. Happy thoughts make a happy mood while sad thoughts make a sad mood. Your thoughts have a control on your mood. It has the power to control your moods and even your body. Your mood changes according to the thoughts that are going on in your mind. The thoughts reflect in your personality. It reflects on your face and your body too. When you are happy you look happy and simultaneously you feel happy. It comes from within. It shows on the face in the eyes and the smile.

Thoughts have such a power that it controls your entire body and even the people around you. If you are thinking about somebody you can have many thoughts about that one person. You can have negative thoughts and positive thoughts. You think of the person as someone who may even be dangerous for you. Your mind is so much more of what you think and it is filled with various elements. It shows sometimes on the expression. Your anger shows. If you are pissed at someone or you hate someone it is shown on your face and reflects through your body language. As a matter of fact if you are walking on the treadmill and you see someone at the side of you running whom you hate, you try to increase your speed and run too. It is the feeling of competition that goes on in the mind and it can be seen in the body and the face.

When you have happier thoughts you get a happier mind. When your mind is happy it reflect on the face. Automatically it is shown on the body. A happier thought leads you to doing the right things at the right time. Even if you have to try and correct a situation or rectify a problem with your happy thoughts you would do it quickly. Which otherwise would be impossible if you were feeling depressed and sad. If in the same situations your thoughts would be sad. It would make you all the more depressed. It isn’t such a good thing to be sad or depressed anyway.

Happier thoughts reflect who you are it portrays that you are happy and you have a positive thinking. It definitely gives you a plus point in the long run. There are many things you could do to bring in or instil in the habit of keeping happy thoughts. Some of them could be from the following:-

  • Wake up with a smile on your face.

Waking up with a smile makes you feel good. Not sulking on waking up makes your mood good. It helps you believe that your mood is good and it is going to be a good day and thus it is a good morning indeed.

  • Keep a happy thought that today is going to be a good and happy day

Always keeping a happy thought in mind does help a lot. When you actually believe that today is going to be a happy day it will happen definitely. Nothing can make your day as better as believing it yourself. Happy thoughts make a happy face.

  • Avoid getting sad at any point in time.

Avoid getting depressed or sad in certain situations. We often land up getting panicky when it comes to a certain emergency need. Life is not about getting sad it more about staying happy. Any sad or depressing thought can really make it happen. If things have to happen then let it be happy things.

  • Do the things that make you happy.

Life is all about doing the things that make you happy. After all it’s all about your happiness. It’s about you. There’s no harm in being a little selfish sometimes. Sometimes you got to be happy by doing all the things you can to remain happy. Sometimes when boredom strikes you tend to sulk and land up feeling sad. Your thoughts feel sad too and your mind too and so does your body. You feel very in active.

  • Worry less

Worrying a little less than before is a good thing. The more you worry the more you think and more you feel bad and it reflects in the thoughts and your body. A happy thought makes a happy body.

  • Take things one at a time and avoid procrastination.

Taking things at a time is the way to go. You don’t have to take so many things at one time. Avoid procrastination as delaying things will only make more and more stressful and thus it may take a toll on your health mind and body. It makes you feel weak and sick. Thus your body too becomes weak blood pressure problems etc.

  • Always pray and keep positive.

Prayer is very important and it keeps you have a positive and happy thought. When you are positive you have no stress and your body is out of sickness.




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