The Journey Of A Successful Social Media Intern – Harshal Rao



1)      Tell us about yourself (your background, why did you join the internship programme, what motivated you to work with

I am Harshal Rao, a student of D.G.Ruparel College studying in F.Y.BMS. I also happen to be the CR (class representative) of my division. One fine day I came to know that was interviewing Cr’s of different classes in different colleges and they wanted my interview. The interview happened online and in a few days, Parvathy ma’am told me about the internship programme which included my favourite subject – Marketing!
Hence, without any hesitation I agreed upon doing this because I always wanted to showcase my marketing skills and also wanted to experience of working with such a reputed site like

2)      How was the experience of working as a “Social Media intern” at What are the key learnings?

The experience of working as a “Social Media Intern” was indeed a fascinating and exciting one because I was working on something that I was addicted to – Social Media!
At first, I used to just scroll on Social media sites but now I was working on them, hence the feel was different.
You learn how to market yourself; the internship programme makes you understand the rules of marketing and how you should apply them to achieve success in this field.

3)      What do you mean by marketing? Tell us about a time / describe a situation when you have proved you have better marketing skills in the internship programme.

For me, Marketing means the way you market yourself in front of others. It also means how well you can convince a person to purchase your product and also tests your patience as well as knowledge.
When I was assigned the job of editing articles and posting them on various social media sites, I particularly used to shorten the statuses in such a manner that people found it attractive and thus, the article would reach out to many people in no time!

4)      What are the most important values you demonstrate as a Social Media intern of

As a Social Media intern of , Being responsible is the most important value as whatever work we do is on Social media and whatever we post is directly related to the main site, hence, one wrong step and the entire site may come in danger! Therefore being responsible is one the most important value that we demonstrate!



5)      What is the most difficult part of being a Social Media intern at

“Patience – as a Social media person being patient was one of the most difficult tasks! Most of my work was related to shortening the statuses and posting them on social media sites.Therfore, posting these statuses wasn’t a hard task but making the article reach to people was not an easy task!



6)      What is your greatest strength and weakness as a Social media intern?


Marketing has always been a very strong part of me. My biggest strength is that I can adapt to any situation as and when required.
I have never actually experienced any weakness in that field but yes at times I get a little over confident and tend to lose the grip.


7)      What are your favourite books?


All the books written by Mr.Chetan Bhagat
Favourite out of them are:
3 mistakes of my life
One night at a call centar
Half – girlfriend


8)      Favourite films?

The Wolf of the Wall Street
Pirates of the Caribbean
Bhaag milkha bhaag
Chak de India!



9)   Favourite Music?

I love to hear old songs and motivational songs.
Songs that boost your morale rather than emotions are my types!



10)   Give us 3 “Good to know” facts about you?

a) I am a very active and hard working person. Whenever I take up some work, I usually end the work before doing anything else.


b) If plan A doesn’t work then plan B is there and if plan B doesn’t work then some other door will open but yes I won’t give up until the thing is done!


c) I am very good at convincing people as I have a good sense of understanding as well as sense of knowledge which helps people around comfortable.



11)   What next after the internship programme?

The experience of working as an Intern was a very enjoyable and great experience, hence, after exams; I will be searching for another internship wherein I can learn more about the market and the marketing strategies!


12)   What changes would you like to bring in the internship programme?


The programme is very good and great for beginners to learn about the market as well as experience a new world! It does not require any changes at all, but if at all the intern could have something like a practical meet or practical experience of marketing, it could be great!


13)   Through this struggle and success, what have you learned? What is the wisdom of life and competition? What is your message to the upcoming interns of


I have learnt a very important lesson through this internship that “ The success of your marketing skills depends upon how well can you market yourself and apply your marketing skills in the right direction”.
Life is very short and competition is too big, hence, focus on your work and forget that there is anything such as Competition because in the end it doesn’t matter if u win or lose, the thing that matters is that you were in the race!
A very simple message to all upcoming and aspiring interns of, it is a very fascinating experience, therefore, put in your best step ahead in life by learning everything that is possible in this internship programme!

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