Have An Attitude Of Gratitude


Attitude reflects your style. It reflects your personality. It reflects who you are. It reflects the kind of person you are. It also reflects the kind of person you could be. Your attitude toward different people could be different. Depending on the person you show your attitude accordingly. Your attitude and your personality may sometimes differ. Attitudes are of different kind’s positive attitude, negative attitude, laid back attitude so on and so forth. There is another kind of attitude one should have is the attitude of gratitude. Attitude and gratitude sound like a rhyming word and indeed they rhyme because they are meant to be.

Gratitude is nothing but being grateful. Grateful or being thankful is called gratitude and indeed that is the kind of attitude you must have. There are so many things in life that we have and we aren’t thankful of. We take it for granted. Only when we value what we have and accept it with an attitude of gratitude is when we truly have accomplished something in life. You may not be as successful as another person or as rich as Ambani but you definitely are successful in being you. There could be no other you. If you are someone you are that person, of Couse your qualities or talent may be same as someone but you are you and you should be thankful to god for making you yourself and making you so unique.

We have been given a lot of gifts and indeed we need to be thankful for everything. It’s not about the materialistic gifts. It’s more than just gold, silver or cars. Well that’s not the only thing that you should be thankful for, there could be other things like

  1. The gift of life.

The gift of life, life is indeed a very precious gift. We are created by god in the wombs of our mother. As she brings us into this world, she brings us with happiness and love. She brings us to life with a hope that you could see the world just as she can right now. Many people do not value life. Ask the ones who are crying and mourning the death of a loved one. Today people are so weak that they cut their wrist and risk their life for a person who they claim to love. So weak hearted that they fail to see the love of god who brought us into this world and the love of a mother who kept them in her womb. We must respect life first and only then can we be thankful for having one. We need to live not just exist.

  1. The gift of parents.

Parents are the 2nd gift after life that we should be thankful for. We are born with parents and not left orphan. We have someone to call mummy and daddy and walk to them with our every need. Just as life we too need to respect and thank parents for the endless things they do and for the needless pain they bear because of us. They sacrifice at every stage of their life for us and what do we do take them for granted. They keep our need first and their need the last. They give everything that they have and probably the only thing that they have. Be thankful to them express your gratitude to them.

  1. The gift of having a family.

Having a family is the greatest thing you have. People crib about having grandparents who are old. But grandparents are the blessing of your house. Your house becomes a home because of your grandparents and their blessings. Many people don’t have a family. The orphans don’t have mom and dad to call as family. While we have a brother sister and parents and grandparents and still don’t know how to be grateful to them and love towards them. We instead hurt them more than anything in the world.

  1. The gift of having more than just the 3 basic needs.

Food, home and shelter are the three basic needs and indeed we have them. If you have anything over and above these basic things then you are indeed blessed and lucky to have such a lovely gift. It is given to us by our parents or siblings and we need to be thankful for it.

  1. The gift of friends.

Friends are the set of people who we can confide with. There are things we cannot share with our families but we can openly share it with friends. Value your friends and don’t take them for granted. Keep their secrets and let them keep yours. Be thankful to every friend as everyone comes with a different experience and is a part of your life.

  1. The gift of a lover.

A gift of a lover is probably one of the best gifts ever. We all have family friends and others to love. But having a special someone is indeed very special. It only proves that apart from your family there is an unknown person who loves you secretly and wants to have you with him forever. That someone might dream of a family with you too. That is something great and to be thankful for. You always desire to have that one person who loves you way more than your parents or anyone could do.

  1. The gift of a teacher.

Teacher is another gift. We all have different teachers at every stage of life. Parent’s class teacher’s friend’s lovers also are called your teacher and they help you in the teachings of life and career. One must be thankful to them too.

  1. The gift of education.

Education is yet another gift that all are given. But there are some who are still been deprived of it. Education is the best gift that parents could give you after the gift of life.

  1. The gift of god.

God- is the one who we can pour our hearts too when no one seems to be there. He is someone who we should thank for always showing us the right part and being with us and giving us all the above gifts.


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