Haven’t We Discussed A Lot About Education? Now Here Are Lesser Known Facts About Education In India Today


 indian education


  “Padega India Jabhi toh Badega India” is the very famous line through which the government of India is emphasizing the importance of education. Though government on its part is trying to improve the literacy rate in the country but we can still find a lot of issues in our society when it comes to education both in the education system and the mindset of the people.

   When we speak about the mindset we talk about the thought pattern wherein still in many places girls are denied of education as people believe girls are meant only for household chores and this hurdle is not only in the rural areas but even in the urban areas. It is also believed that girl shouldn’t be more qualified than her spouse and the reason for all of this the Patriarchal system that we live in. The right to education is not only limited to girls but also to the boys wherein there are many families that believe that the son has to continue the family business, so education is simply waste of time instead boys should learn the business right from the early age.

 Yet another devil is the education system in our country. Education is no more an art of giving rather it is become purely business. Right from admission to school upto a university requires a person to shell out huge chunks of money which is taken in the name of donation. No money then no education is what we see today. Today a student who is deserving is not considered for education but the one who can shell out good amount of money is given priority. Corruption is such a termite which has not left even education system. So those who cannot afford the money are simply denied of the fundamental right. Even though there are many who want to get learned but get restricted only because they cannot afford the expenses, so this is a huge drawback in the education system.

            To fight the evils of education existing in the society today government of India has come out with many provisions:

  • Free and compulsory education for children between 6 to 14 years of age
  • Saakshar Bharat Mission for Female Literacy. This mission aims to bring down female illiteracy by half of its present level.
  • Special reservations for the scheduled caste and the scheduled tribes.
  • Sarva Siksha Abhiyan – for bridging the gender and social category gap and providing quality education.
  • Mahila Samakya Programme – initiating women empowerment and helping them to live as confident individuals

With the help of these provisions and many more on small levels government is trying to eradicate the evils of education and achieve its dream of Incredible India.



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