HBO’s True Detective



We have got great shows on television but this managed to stand apart on its first hit. HBO’S TRUE DETECTIVE was dark, interesting, twist, thrill and awesome something different never seen before.

True Detective is pitched as an anthology with each season focusing on a different cast and setting. This initial season focused on Detectives Marty Hart (Woody Harrelson) and Rust Cohle (Matthew McConaughey) as they pursued the killer of a woman named Dora Lange whose murder opens the story (i am still confused to call crime scene beautiful or bad).The interesting part of series would be that it shows the life of detectives in the year 1995 and 2012 and how they find clues join the dots to the conclusion.

The storytelling in True Detective is really quite bold and there’s very little like it on television. Showrunner Nic Pizzolatto has done a brilliant job with this first season and its hard to know what to expect the places that the story will go given that the guarantee that the two leads won’t be hanging around next season. Both McConaughey and Harrelson do a superb job at bringing their characters to life and it’s almost impossible to call a winner between the pair.

The storytelling the grey tale the performances made TRUE DETECTIVE a huge success in the very first season. I am personally a huge fan and i must recommend to all of you readers to watch it. SEASON 1 was solid and awesome and we don’t know where the story will lead in next season.


By Harshvardhan singh


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