Heal Yourself – The Right Way!


heal u r self

In life we come through many modes which makes us realize it’s the end…things are so not damn right and everything is against me. We feel no one likes us, we aren’t capable of something or the things are just not working even after so many efforts. That’s when we need to heal ourselves.

Life is about living for the moment, to cherish the small beautiful aspects of life. It’s about living. Knowing about all this we still get trapped and enveloped by negative vibes and surroundings. We allow it to cover ourselves and somewhere lose the connect to our soul. We many times get influenced or even washed away with some supreme elements or people or negativity. Before we get totally consumed and reach the destruction mode we need to receive the WAKE UP CALL. Yes the call which our soul gives us. The string which you feel when you do something wrong. The string which that pulls you back often. You need to recognize this call. And this will take place only when your mind is silent. So whenever problem arises, sit calmly, silently and let your soul connect to you.

  The best way to heal yourself is to surrender yourself to peace and feel the evidence of your liveliness with your soul. Your soul will answer all your questions, all the suppressed facts of your life will be realized, you will find the way to set yourself free, you will know the purpose of your life and why you are alive.

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  We humans get easily affected by things we dislike. We merge into jealousy, face failure, sarcasm, get into quarrels and fights, cold war’s – and the worst part is that we think so much about this issues that we let this unrequired feelings consume us up.

We need to trust ourselves, believe and have faith in our soul. Getting into the unrequired feelings or getting scared and unhappy will only destruct us internally. Follow your own path; follow your mind’s footsteps. Heal yourself by isolating yourself into your best place. Meditate, travel, write, dance, do all the possible things to make yourself feel better and happy always. Make sure you take out time for yourself in a day.

Stick to your own shoes. Don’t try others, you will fall. Believe that you are beautiful and have the power to enlighten your life. Let your feet go deeper in the sand. Trust your beliefs.

We need to forgive people and situations and move on a text-book clean way for our further life. If any guilt, regrets are merely closed hard with a lid – it will grow inside and storm into your life one day. We have to adapt and understand how important it is to forgive people and situations. We should see the beautiful grace of life and feel lucky enough to be alive. There is so much positive to consume. Even when we are sick the mentally healing procedure works. We need to constantly heal ourselves with all good beliefs.

  Life is good, people are good. Be thankful to god for your health. I always do. It’s the biggest and priceless gift and always remember Jesus loves you!

 So this is the HEALING JOURNEY of your life. You will have grudges, you will fall, get insulted, people will cheat you, you will fall sick, you may have diseases, but the way you throw out yourself from this unhappy globe surrounded to you and start working on your healing process you will be the happiest person. The person who lives his breathe. Set yourself free and grab the positive spirit. Live the purpose of your life. And Heal yourself!

–          SANGITA MAITY

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