Health : An Ignored Asset!


  Health 2

 Health is an asset which every person must have and store but sadly is the most ignored. If health were an investment policy or shares which gave high dividend then I am sure most of us would have sworn by it. But frankly, it’s not lesser than that since a person having good health would reap its benefits just like the maturity amount of a policy or the dividend amount on shares. On one’s birthday one definitely receives a lot of messages saying, ‘may you be blessed with good health’ or ‘wish you good health, happiness..’ but after that day we complete forget about our health.

  Everyone is so engrossed in their daily routine and activities that health is sidelined. Working hours and stress level is increasing day by day and recreation and exercise is on an all time low. The average middle class person today has so many responsibilities on his/her shoulders that he/she can barely make time for themselves. The increasing health problems, depression, stress related diseases, rise in diabetes and blood pressure, problems in childbirth are all alarmingly telling us to take control of things before it’s too late.

 Our sedimentary lifestyle is to be largely blamed for all the health problems and issues which are arising from a last few years. There is a change in our food preferences and working culture. We are gorging on food and sitting on our chairs without any physical movement for hours. We no longer visit parks or beaches but instead prefer whiling away our time in air conditioned malls where we tend to end up in the food court. There is no daily exercise or physical activity which not only can keep us fit but also stress free. The worst part is most of us know all of this but still don’t care enough to do something about it.

 Health is wealth, indeed. It’s up to us now how we maintain this wealth. Most of us end up turning health into a liability as our medical bills and insurance bills turn out to be higher that vacation or recreation budgets. If we successfully transform our health into an asset we will have happy and stress free lives. Free from ailments and hospitals. Where we won’t have any restrictions on food or activity and life would be satisfactory. Think and choose for yourself whether you want your health to be an asset or a liability?

Take care of yourself and the treasure you have – health.

–          Anjani M Nautiyal

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