Healthy Lunch Idea’s For The Weight Concious



Lunch can be a big challenge when you’re trying to lose weight and get healthy. For many of us, it’s the meal most likely to be eaten away from home, squeezed into an already overcrowded day. A healthy balanced lunch should include lots of fiber to fill you up and lean healthy protein to keep you satisfied for hours. I’ve shared some healthy lunch ideas, I thought I’d specifically cover some healthy lunch ideas for weight loss.



Eating salads is a super-convenient way to work in a couple of servings of vegetables and/or fruit. Eating salads in lunch decreases the calorie intake, adds fibre to your diet which reduces cholesterol and constipation, satisfies the craving, easy to digest and wards off diseases. Well constructed salads are one of the best healthy lunch ideas for weight loss. One can have a variety of salad for lunch. Salads can be a blend of any fruits and veggies that you like. Tomatoes, Cucumber, Onions, Beet, Cabbage, and Carrot are some common veggies that are taken in as salad. They can be eaten raw with salt and pepper on them, or even by shallow frying or boiling them with sprinkled oregano.



If you have facilities at work to reheat food, soup is an excellent healthy lunch option. While bulking meals up with low calorie options such as vegetable soup on a regular basis is a great way to load up on nutrition in general, and drop a couple of kilos quickly. Naturally, homemade soups are the best option. Mixture of Bottle gourd, beet and tomatoes is the commonly consumed soup.

Everyone has different taste towards soup; they can combine their likely veggies and get a healthy snack ready for their lunch. Vegetarian soups are widely available and can be a great option for those worried about saturated fat. Alternatively, you could bring a thermos flask of soup if you don’t have kitchen facilities, or your work involves a lot of travelling.

Sandwich style lunches:


Sandwiches are the classic lunchbox option, but they don’t need to be boring! You’ll look forward to lunch when one of our all-time favourite sandwiches is on the menu. You can choose from vegetarian sandwiches, wraps and burritos, grilled veg recipies to Wheat bread burgers.  Avocado mashed with pickled jalapenos and lime juice adds kick to this triple-decker sandwich.

You can enjoy fresh and healthy hummus and vegetables on whole grain bread, toasty panini, roasted vegetable wraps, and lots more. From new takes on peanut butter and jelly to vegetarian delights, these sandwiches will please brown-baggers both young and old, so you can pack the same lunch for the whole family!

– Tanvi Shah

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