Heart Over Mind, What’s Your Take?


Hey pals!! 🙂

Umm, let’s talk about something today – about that state of life that we face very often in our life – a rift that is always on and off between our heart and our mind- a rift that forces us sometimes to be too practical or induces us to get emotional and take decision.

Heart vs Brain

Let’s get started..

Well on a personal level, I believe in listening to heart, the vibes or intuition whatever we say I believe and stand by it. I will say this due to following reasons..


There are situations in life where we need to seek advice from our elders or mentors, may be even our family or friends, of-course they will always wish best for us, but then at the end of the day, we know what we want from our life, we already have illusions about it, so rather than getting influenced by what your mentors or elders say, listen to yourself first, because you know yourself well than others, you have to believe yourself, others will guide you on the basis of their experience or what they feel about it, &  of-course not necessary that life deals same with everyone, yeah? 😉


I don’t say that listening to your heart will always lead you to smooth sailing life. No it’s not so, at the end of the day we are humans first, & we are bound to make mistakes, but then life is all about learning and growing from experiences. YES, we learn, we feel depressed, we feel grudgy, but then we move on .. I too have made wrong choices in life but then what I have learnt is : I am able to take my own decision and deal my problems and my life, my way- thus not giving myself a chance to put blame on anyone.


Our heart is pure, free from manipulations, and listening to heart is listening to voice of God 🙂

Follow your heart

Before sigining off, I would suggest you  to go through this inspiring words by Steve Jobs..

Steve Jobs Quote

So from now onwards, weigh all the pros and cons of your decision, and act on what will serve you best.. 🙂

Keep Calm

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Kajal Shah

hello frnds.. I am kajal shah, a student by occupation. I m fun-loving, simple and happy-go-lucky girl.I am talkative i like to counsel my friends and make them feel light when they are having tough time.I believe in simplicity and i love cooking and oh ya so m a foodie by birth.Do no badbut don't take a shit..


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