Hearty Congratulations To The Best New Comer Content Intern: Hinal Shah!

Mt. Abu
The BMS team is bustling with new talent and new energy, a lot of awesome interns joined us in the last week but The Best newcomer Content Intern is a coveted title and this week we have 2 interns sharing that position! So let’s help you get Up, Close And Personal with one of the Winners: Hinal Shah!
1. What are you doing currently?
I am pursuing MBA from Welingkar Institute of Management. A Freelancer by profession – Makeup Artist and Hairstylist.
2. Why did you take up this internship?
To gain hands-on experience.

3. How have you benefited through this internship, in this one week?

The benefits are numerous :
a) Written articles on different topics
b) Increased my knowledge.
c) Articles from fellow members were also worth reading.
d) Got to know about so many issues.
e) Critics suggested the area of improvement.
 f) Fabulous support from the team.
4. How does it feel to be the best newcomer intern of the week?
Totally Unexpected!!! It feels amazing when my hardwork is recognized as a newcomer.
Thank You BMS Team for all your support. Without you it wouldn’t have been possible to be recognized as the best newcomer intern of the week. 
Congratulations once again and do keep up the good work!

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