Her Eyes


When i see your eyes
i see our future in them bright..
you blink your eye..
i blink my eyes..
i see us having coffee..
and i see u coming close to me…
you blink your eyes
i blink my eyes,,
i see us dressing up as groom and bride..
we getting married..we are partying..
i see our bright future in your eyes..
You blink your eyes..i blink my eyes..
I see…our children..playing..by..
You are with me..all the time…
in..my ups n downs..your are by my side..

I see a bright future in your eyes..
You blink your eyes i blink my eyes..
You are sitting in a park by my side…
Holding stick..and ready to run..with our grandchild…
I see a bright future in your eyes…
Suddenly something goes into my eyes..
i start rubbing…my…eyes..i blink my eyes..
and i see..you are sitting..beside..my table..having..chai.
Smiling at me…you blink your eyes…i see a bright future in your eyes..

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Ankit Merchant
Hey guys my name in Ankit Pranay Merchant currently have just entered into T.Y.B.M.S of Thakur College. I am a fun loving guy who likes to hang out with friends. I love challenges and winning them. I like reading, writing and listening music.


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