Without parents, we are NOTHING in our life. We are here in this world because of them. Our parents always want us to be a good person. They gave us an identity and have been working really very hard so that they can satisfy our wants and needs. I have seen many children disrespecting their parents like anything. They shout at them a lot. They lie to them. My question to them is : Do you think your parents deserve such wrong behaviour from you? Do you know that your parents are your first friends? They are the ones with whom you used to laugh, cry, talk, play and do every stupid thing in your childhood. Your parents have seen you growing and even if they scold you a lot, it doesn’t mean that they are not aware of your feelings. They scold you because they love you that much. They have full rights to correct your mistakes and guide you right.
Here are some of the tips to become your parents’ best friend:
Treat them at your best:
Give them respect, treat them very nicely. Accept them as they are. Don’t argue or force your opinions or decisions on them. They may not be knowing what you know but that doesn’t mean they are less than you. Talk to them like a friend, tell them about the worldly things which you have learnt in your school or college. Sharing and caring is the best way to make them realize that you want them in your life and you respect them a lot.
Be a part of family activities:
You might be hearing from your parents that you don’t take part in their family decisions or don’t visit your old relatives etc. Ask them on a Sunday to come alongwith you to visit your relatives. Wear a traditional dress and make your parents feel good that you respect your uncles, aunts, grandmas and grandpas.
Build a trust:
Trust is the foundation of a great friendship. Share a trustworthy relationship with your parents. Do not lie or hide anything. Be frank and tell them what’s going in your life and how do you view your life. At the same time, see to it that you don’t hurt their feelings. Show them that you are matured and you will never do anything which they won’t like and prove them that you respect their feelings and will never break their trust.
Give them surprises / plan out hangouts with them:
We usually plan out so many things with our friends. Have you ever tried making any plans with your parents and tried partying or hanging out with them?
Plan a dinner out with them.
Give them their favourite gifts e.g. old music collection or valuable books etc.
Plan a good holiday with them
Visit historical places as they might find it more interesting.
Last but not the least, communicate with them regularly. If you are going out or if you make any future plans, talk to them. Ask them for opinions. Try to understand them and give a chance to them to understand you and your feelings. If you communicate effectively, they will never go against your decision. Give them examples of your good friends, how they have started their lives by taking decisions on their own and convince them to be with you and support you in your plans.