Highest priced Mercedes Benz S Class Pullman


Mercedes Benz S Class Pullman

Mercedes Benz brings back ‘The Pullman’ for prestige. The highest priced luxury saloon in class Mercedes Benz S Class Pullman has toppled Rolls Royce. The German luxury car has three rows of seats and is based on a longer wheelbase. Priced about $1 Million (with armor plating), the Pullman has been a hot favorite with the world’s most influential and wealthy folks.

In the rear section the 4 seats face other and are separated from a front chauffeur’s compartment by a partition window for discretion. The latest Pullman will go on sale in January 2015 and will overtake six other premium segment luxury vehicles, with its mammoth price tag. Mercedes Benz is challenging Audi and BMW to take on this range, which has been dominated by Daimler AG so far.

At 21 ft long, the car is 16 ins longer than the $474,900 extended wheelbase version of the Rolls Royce Phantom, making it the longest produced passenger car. Both the German competitors Audi and BMW need to respond to this challenge. Daimler AG has once again proved that their Mercedes Benz brand stands solely for class, precision driving, luxury, comfort, elegance, etc. The Pullman costs as much as double the top-of-the-line Rolls Royce.


–         By Anand Thakkar

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