Hike In Petrol Prices… Again?



Today I was driving in my car, shades on, cool music in the background… it all seemed perfect to me on this hot summery so-called monsoon day. I was zooming past the people and all the other cars. I thought for a moment I had actually become a better driver. And then suddenly something happened and I snapped back to reality.

A car emerged ahead and I bolted my car to a halt. The radio jockey was informing about a Rs.2 hike in the petrol prices. I felt the urgency to stamp on the music system but then I din’t for obvious reasons!

I felt like driving away to the entire goverment and burn down their expensive cars. While they scurried around in big fancy cars, the common man is helpless and obviously cannot loot them back and tear apart all this bling.

petrol hike

Also there are times when traffic from all the four sides is locked, so that one so-called self-proclaimed important minister can pass through without any difficulty. Now the government should compensate the poor citizens who are compelled to wait, waste their petrol and time.

We travel in the heat, we slog at work, we pay taxes!For what? So that these few people can buy expensive foreign-imported cars with them. It is a kind of mockery for the common man. Not every person has a car but the prices do affect everyone.

Actually, the government wants to give a great message. Drop cars, pick up your bicycles and save our environment which the governmwnt obviously cannot.

Soon you will have to an Arab millionaire to drive on the streets of India..

-Kashmeera Tambe

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