History of Mukand Iron & Steel Works Limited


Mukand Iron & Steel Works Limited, re-christened ‘Mukand Ltd.’ on and from March 23, 1989, was registered on November 29, 1937. The Company then operated re-rolling mills and foundry inLahoreand atReay Road,Bombay. Two years later, Lala Mukand Lal who had the controlling interest in the Company and had been doing constructive social work under the guidance of Mahatma Gandhi, expressed his desire to leave the Company. The Mahatma asked Jamnalal Bajaj and Jeevanlal Motichand to take over the Company which was then under serious financial strain. They did so after some persuasion, in 1939.

The Steel Plant at Kalwe commenced operations in 1965. A structural shop, later re-christened ‘Machine Building Division’ was also set up at Kalwe by the same year. The Company established its leadership in the two businesses, steel and machine building, fairly quickly.


The history of Mukand Ltd is the history of its resilience, continual renewal and resurgence.


Mukand Ltd.’s leadership in steel technology is built on a long history of pioneering, kept alive by adaptive absorption of advanced technology’s sustained in-house research and development.


Mukand Ltd. wasIndia’s first steelmaker to successfully adopt the ‘continuous billet casting’ technology using ‘F’ type continuous casting machine, when this technology was in its infancy in the West.


Mukand Ltd. was the first inIndiato successfully adopt the vacuum oxygen decarburisation technology for the manufacture of stainless steel. It was also the first in the country to install an oxygen top and bottom blown converter for the manufacture of stainless steel, there being only three other plants in the world that used this technology.


Mukand’s steel plant is the fourth in the world to introduce the ‘easy draw continuous cooling’ system for wire rods.


Mukand Ltd. has a record of proven leadership in building the machines that build the sinews of economic power.


As machine builders, Mukand Ltd. has worked with the best and the biggest companies in their fields in the world : Dravo Wellman Company (United States of America), Fives-Cail Babacock (France), Hitachi Ltd. (Japan), Lurgi Chemie (Germany), Peiner (Germany), SKET Export-Import (Germany), Skodaexport (Czech republic), Syprim SA (France)… It has supplied plant and equipment all overIndia. Starting out from its do-it-yourself efforts for captive purposes, Mukand is now equipped with comprehensive and modern manufacturing facilities and computerized design, planning, procurement and monitoring capabilities. It has developed a large network of ancillary units inBombayand elsewhere – it’s a growing network. Mukand builds not just machines but total systems for total capabilities.

Mukand Ltd.’s track record of unique ‘firsts’ in machine building inIndiainclude :


The largest India-designed and manufactured gantry crane of 80-tonne capacity and 60-metre span, with monobox girder and underslung trolley

Four girder ladle crane

Computer-controlled crane

Ship loader and ship unloader

A 34-metre long and 4.2-metre dia. rotary dryer, the largest now in use inAsia(for Southern Petrochemicals Industries Corporation Ltd.)

A 40-metre high structure that moves on wheels, weighing about 700 tonnes, with multi-level folding platforms and remote-controlled doors for vertical assembly of augmented satellite launch vehicle (ASLV) – a ‘vertical workshop’ with an array of electronically controlled equipment at various levels – for the Indian Space Research Organisaion.

Open gantry area : 6,000 sq.mtrs.


Mukand’s outstanding achievements won for it the Confederation of Engineering Industry’s prestigious award in the area of technology

and innovation.

Mukand developed indigenous technology for :

Door extractor-cum-coke guide car,Gear box for rolling mill ,$Mill stand

Rotating trolley crane, Scraper reclaimer, Scrap transfer car, Slag car

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