Hollywood vs Bollywood Who Has Got More Spice ?


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Think of it : You and your friend are in a fix to watch one among the following movies

  • Boby Jasoos
  • The fault in our stars
  • Transformers
  • Ek villain

What would you choose ??It depends one might answer ..Now here is where we can differentiate the two movie industries for those who like silent movies might opt for fault in our stars ,for those who like comedy /suspense/action might opt for boby jasoos for those who like action may opt for  transformers and for those who like thriller/romance may opt for ek villain.

Hollywood is known for its  distinct approach in terms of a movie whereas Bollywood is an array of genres for example an action movie in Hollywood may use some under toned sarcasm as comedy whereas an action movie in Bollywood can manage to deliver comic roles with action plus a bit of romance and tragedy all in one scene  Rohit Shetty’s movies are a perfect example in this case.

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So Bollywood movies to an extent  has got more spice in terms of versatility for if that wasn’t the case then we wouldn’t have managed to watch a Bollywood movie for three hours at a stretch .think of it :-Would you really manage to watch Chennai express if not for the pointless jokes , anti gravity action sequence and questionable lyrics..that encapsulates a Flavor of Bollywood.

– Khyati Kotiyan

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