Home Remedies: For Smoother, Softer And Shiner Hair


When you see a girl walking beside you or in your peer circle with just that perfect hair, wishing you had just as same as her. And just to get that perfect hair you must have tried many expensive products who claim results in just 7 days resulting unfortunately nothing but wasting money.

Well then here I have got something for you which I have tried myself and feel satisfied with results. So for all you people out there like me, here is one of the quickest and simplest mask that will make your hair shine and manageable too. I call it BANANA MAYO CONDITIONING MASK. Yes, you got me right. A banana for hair mask. In this age when spas and expensive treatments rule the hair care industry, mayonnaise treatment is not only inexpensive but natural and safe too. It gives your hair the strength and goodness of eggs, increases hair density and makes hair shaft stronger.  Mayonnaise is said to have a lot of oils and proteins that are needed for well-hydrated mane. It is an excellent way of moisturizing your hair.

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Bananas are rich in zinc- this helps in strengthening the hair and prevents hair loss. Bananas are also a rich source of potassium and vitamins A, E and C which make them perfect choice for homemade hair growth treatment. They rule for dry, itchy and flaky hair. It keeps hair hydrated and healthy. It which help in softening the hair and protects the hair’s natural elasticity preventing split ends and breakage. Banana creates manageability, shine, growth and controls dandruff.

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  • 1 ripe banana
  • 1 tablespoon almond oil or olive oil
  • Half bowl mayonnaise


Mix all the ingredients in a bowl and blend it to a fine paste. See to it that there are no chunks in the paste. If you find them, simply remove it or blend it again. Apply this paste all over your hair right from root to tip and leave it for approximately 20 to 30 minutes covering your head with a shower cap. Rinse it thoroughly with a mild shampoo not using your conditioner.

This mask works best for frizzy, damaged and unmanageable hair. Repeat this once in week or two for best results.

NOTE: Above measurements are for medium length hair. Please ignore if allergic.




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