How helps BMS students?!

They say “God helps those who help themselves”, but,lemme alter this a bit for you, “God helps those who help themselves doing BMS…And for the rest, there’s ;)”
Helping hands are very few, specially in times of utter need. But this website,, helped me as a BMS student in doing my studies!
From helping me with ‘Question Banks’ to solving all my doubts, the website as also its Facebook fanpage has been a sheer source of magnificiently crafted spirit to help every BMS student.
It is only through such websites today that we BMS’ites have gained a medium to face the turbulent times like Exam scares, Project Tensions and what not!
Not everyone gets a chance to put in their thoughts and ask their stream related questions and get them solved online-Its a boon for BMS’ites that there exists a!
Kudos to everyone responsible for this site!
My warmest wishes and Salutations!:)
                                                                                                                                 – by Nitesh .R. Shahani 

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  1. Please Help me…i have cleared my all 6 semester of BMS…
    yet i got a message …result of Seat No…not availablle
    pls contact to respective college…
    my college said that they will give me a letter which would be submitted to university…
    how Much time will i need to spend more for REsult?
    What will be the procedure for these?

  2. Go to the University and submit the letter.
    It will take nearly around 15days to 1 month for getting your marksheet (also ask the MU officials regarding the same)

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