How can Meghna Patel’s stripping be called a genuine form of showing support to Narendra Modi?



This election season, Narendra Modi seems to be getting a lot of support from strange people in shocking ways. Mallika Sherawat had dedicated a Happy Birthday song to Narendra Modi on his birthday and now Meghna Patel, a small-time model and television actress has posed nude pics stripping for him.

Meghna Patel has done a artistic and aesthetic photoshoot to show her support to Narendra Modi with lotus flowers all over the body  (Lotus flower is the logo of BJP).  Another picture where she is nude and holds up a poster/placard that reads “Vote for Modi”.

Meghna Patel had acted in a popular serial called ‘Kahaani Chandrakanta Ki’ and also going to star in a regional film.

Her media statement said “Narendra Modi is the man of today. He is the embodiment of valour who lives in the hearts of millions of people. Narendra Modi is a person of great prominence on India`s political landscape and has done great works for development and prosperity in his state and now he is the prime ministerial candidate. People will vote for him to make India better in the 21st century. We all love you, Mr Modi.”

Well this bold act has also left Maharashtra BJP embarrassed who reportedly told to media “We welcome people supporting us, but we are not in support of such vulgar display. If you want to support Modi, there are other ways like attending his rallies. We completely condemn this behavior.”

Aren’t these desperate measures to draw media attention and become a talking point by invoking by big names? Or are these strategies of politicians to earn more votes? Or Would there be some kind of legal action against models who try to make a name by defaming a political party in future?

With just 5 months to go before the election polls, we just can wait and watch how exceptional Indian politics can be!


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