When we say an ideal person, there are a lot of thoughts and words that comes in the mind. A person who is optimistic, kind, rational, wise, practical,visionary etc.
Lets see what an Ideal person is !!!
For me, Ideal person is a person whose words are encouraging, whose personality is real, whose life is relate-able . A person whose thoughts makes me want to change my own thoughts without forcing me to do so. A person whose is wise, practical and also emotional.
For me there has been one ideal person whose thoughts and speech inspired and motivated me during my hardships. I still have the quotes of him in my phone, so whenever I feel low and down I read it to motivate myself. One of the greatest innovator of all time STEVE JOBS.
I have always loved this thoughts and thinking. He knew the worth of life and was always inspiring. He knew the real meaning of success and failure.
This quotes changed my life.
Any person in this world can your ideal. He can be a stranger, someone you know or maybe your parents.
Everyone’s life is itself is a biography. One can learn so much from each others lives. It itself becomes an ideal for everyone.
Having some to inspire you and makes you want to do more in life is always a necessary person.
Is it important to have an ideal person ? The answer to this question is tricky. I believe it totally depends upon a person. One might or may not have an ideal person. But I think deep down there is some one who you want to be and follow. I does not necessarily means to follow or do what he/she says but just to listen to his thoughts and take them if you want to, it will make a huge difference.
An ideal person is the one from whom you can learn many things in life. It might be some trivial things but you will learn for sure. One can take so many good things. An ideal person is not perfect but he/she has done something which has brought change in world or people.
If you have an ideal person his quotes will inspire you and will be encouraging in the downfall.
Having an ideal person is a personal choice but to have one will not harm, but will be beneficial.
Someday you might be an ideal person for someone else.