How does Law of Karma work?

Actually it is very simple and has been known for thousands of years.  The law of Karma is known in Christian teachings, as well as in many other cultures. It says:
Whatever you do to others – will be done to you, in this or any future incarnation of your soul.
This law is so straightforward and logical, it sometimes is hard to believe, that some persons still think they may somehow get around it.  If you knock your head against a wall, it is obvious – it may damage the wall and it may hurt your head.  If you knock someone by physically fighting – you may cause harm, pain, injury to the person and the law of Karma requires you to experience the same pain.  This is to have you learn to behave in a way that accuses but pleasant experience to others and yourself alike.
Whatever you do, you may attract persons around you, that have a same or similar Karma than you have.  If you are of a physically fighting nature, you may attract such persons again and again.  Until you start to become aware of your own behavior and start to be fed up with the result of your very own actions. Until you start to strive for a more peaceful environment.  The only sure method of finding one is changing your very own behavior.
This law applies for individuals as much as for families, groups, villages, cities, nations, cultures or even entire planets.

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