How Far Should I Go To Fit In?


Today I will be discussing a very common element that is attached with the life of youth. You call this element as ‘FIT’. We all are always concerned to fit in. Whether it is a dress or society, we want to go with the conventional rules. And if we try to break the rules, we become out of place. Sometimes, it works but mostly it makes us the laughing stock of the town. Trying to fit in is not a bad attitude but how far you go to do that is the question over here.

This problem is just not in today’s era. This has been an on-going problem since our ancestral days. I am sure everybody knows about the love story of Salim and Anarkali. Although there are questions raised about the authenticity of this story, but still let’s consider it to prove my point. According to the story, Anarkali was from low caste and a dancer in Akbar’s court. Salim was the eldest son of Akbar. Akbar disapproved their union as Anarkali does not fit in their community.

As a result, she was given death sentence. This is not the only incident. There are many other famous stories like Laila and Majnu. These stories are famous and so we can have clear evidence to prove that people can go to any extent to fit in. But there are many unheard stories which will force us think “Is being fit that important”.

This is an old era but the new era is not that different from old.  Today starting from kids till senior citizens, everybody’s main intention is to fit in. Teenagers are the most vulnerable people. They end up making wrong decisions which turn their life to a dead end path.  This problem has become a major problem in a teenager’s life. Channels are taking up this matter seriously and are trying to become this to the notice of everybody through programs like Gumrah. I believe this is a good start to create awareness.

Have you ever noticed this scenario in your nearby surroundings, where your friends or acquaintances are trying hard to fit in the group or friends circle? Have you ever faced a situation where you find yourself working hard to fit? I am sure everybody would have encountered such a situation in your past or maybe present. My main intention of writing this article is to make you all understand one simple fact that all of us are different from each other. Neither I am like you not you can be like me. Then why even try? So let us accept each other the way we are, and enjoy each other’s company.

I also suggest that we all can spread a word among our friends and family, trying to explain them that there are important things beyond fitting in. just by telling others will not make that difference. If we adapt the same and display it with our actions. What say!!!!!

Think about it and start implementing it my sweet friends…….  

– Aishwarya. J

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