How Gaming Has Influenced Sports Today!



Video gaming has always been fun whether it is mobile, PC or console gaming, gamers enjoy spending time in playing. When it comes to sports games there have been some major developments in this genre, brands like Electronic Arts, Sega, have made some of the greatest sports games and nowadays we can find games for almost every sport. For sports enthusiast there are some major games series like FIFA, NHL, NBA, Tiger Woods PGA, Cricket etc by EA Sports.

Playing a sports game is just not about enjoying a game you love, it is about experiencing the way Ronaldo or Kobe Bryant or Nadal experience. It is an experience which is possible by the simulation of real life into a game which we can handle. Of course you cannot compare the real life experience but this games have made millions of people enjoy it like a boss. Imagine being a manager of a major Football club and managing the team by buying, selling players, youth academy etc, it is all possible through FIFA.

If you are a golf fan then playing through a tour or if you are a cricket fan then playing as your favorite team throughout a series or world cup. It is for fans who have always dream of being there at the biggest stage but it is not possible for everyone. It has also improved people’s knowledge of their favorite sport and Gaming has been a reason for fans actually knowing all the players in their favorite team.

Due to more and more improvements in the gaming experience by companies releasing updated versions of games, due to better consoles coming up for gamers, Gaming is always going to get increased. Remember playing Super Mario, Snow Brothers, Contra some few years back, and the transition now to games like Call of Duty, FIFA 14, Need For Speed. Nowadays gaming is turning into a sport since many tournaments are held and who knows in the future gaming tournaments might become a recognized global activity.

– Jainam Jhaveri

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BMS Graduate with a Diploma in Software Engg and a Sports Blogger... passionate about Blogging, Football, Video Games, Surfing Internet and Love to Travel and visit new places.


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