How Hackers Hack Into Your ATM Cards Through ATM Machines



ATM hacking concept is widely used everywhere since more than a year when Microsoft decided to call off the support to its Windows XP operating systems affecting most of the global ATM services alongwith banking operations. India has more than a lakh ATM machines and it’s getting remarkably easy to hack ATMs these days.

In this video, Mumbai police decodes how hackers hack into your ATM card through ATM machines.

He reveals an equipment cleverly disguised to look like a normal ATM equipment and instead capture your ATM card number and PIN number. A wireless camera is mounted in a position to view ATM PIN entries and the thieves copy the cards and use the PIN numbers to withdraw thousands from many accounts in a very short time directly from the ATM account.

It’s ALWAYS a good idea to conceal your actions when entering your PIN. When you do this, the camera will not be able to record your PIN number and no one can clone your card.



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