How Is Moderation Of Answerbooks Done For CBSGS Results?


ORDINANCE O. 5046‐A: ‐ Moderation


  1. The Moderation System shall be application to all the faculties for Under Gradate and Post Graduate Semester End Examination / External Theory Examination.
  1. 100% moderation of the answer book shall be carried out in the case of candidates failing by 10% of marks of the aggregate marks of that course / paper.
  1. In case of professional faculties / courses, 100% moderation shall be carried out in case of candidates obtaining 70% and above marks or Grade ‘O’. For non‐professional faculties / courses 100% moderation shall be carried out in case of candidates obtaining First Class Grade ‘A’ and above marks.
  1. The moderation of answer books of at least 5% of total number of candidates obtaining marks between Grade ‘E’ / minimum passing marks and marks required for Grade ‘A’ and above First Class/ distinction shall be carried out on random sample basis.
  2. One moderator shall be appointed per five examiners. However Chairman, Board of paper setters will act as the moderator, where there are less than five examiners.
  3. Moderation work shall be carried out simultaneously with the central assessment of answer books at CAPs.
  4. Where marks awarded by the moderator vary from those awarded by original examiner, the marks awarded by the moderator shall be taken as final.
  5. Each University shall formulate detailed scheme of moderation on the basis of guidelines given above.


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