People around us play a very important role in our life, right from our birth, till our death. First it is our family. They mould us into a human being with manners and good qualities. As we grow, other people from our society (mainly our friends) also play an important role in our life. These people can indirectly bring a change in our life. They can have their influence on us. That is why it is always said that one should choose their friends wisely, because “a person’s character is known by the company he keeps”.
Having good friends is always beneficial. They bring optimism in our life. They light our life with all the good qualities they have. Life becomes amazing and you get a hidden inner power. On the contrary, our life becomes totally opposite to this if we enter a wrong group of people. They bring negativity with them. Knowingly or unknowingly we absorb their qualities, which are obviously “bad”. Absorption of these bad qualities ruins our family’s efforts. Slowly and steadily we lose all the good things we had learnt from our family.
Here are some of the common bad habits which a teenager gains when he enters a wrong group of people and how his life changes.
1) “Peer pressure” is one of the most commonly seen bad habits in today’s youth. Teenagers discuss topics like beer, whisky, etc which are not worth discussing. Slowly when few of them fall for these things, they drag you also along with them. They encourage you get a habit of all such talks and doing things like smoking, etc, which you never thought you’ll do.
2) Your “Food Habits” also change slowly. You also get used to junk available in McDonalds and KFC. You also gain their mentality of “having that unhygienic food with friends is very cool”.
3) With your cool friends, “you forget about your society”. You are unaware of various things which are happening around you. This lack of awareness leads to accidents and sometimes death. You are so busy gossiping and listening music with your friends that you don’t even hear a car honking continuously behind you.
4) You lose the “value for the money earned by your parents”. You easily spend money with your friends on worthless things, forgetting the efforts your parents took to earn them. Such people are always up with some or the other plan and being a part of that group, you also become like them and spend money with your eyes closed.
5) “Overdose of social networking sites” is also very common. You are always busy chatting with your friends on these sites, which is just a waste of time. Using these sites to share your opinions on social issues and spreading awareness is beneficial, but not doing any of this is obviously not!
6) “Drinking Alcohol” slowly becomes your habit because of your so called friends who force you to have a drink with them. After getting this habit, it becomes a part of your routine to join your friends in parties where alcohol is served.
7) “Smoking and taking drugs” are other habits you gain from them. They pass on their addiction to us to make our life also hell. They pass their death to us.
8) Your “hangouts” become more frequent. You will always find yourself with your friends in discos, movies, beaches, parties or at any other place, just hanging around.
9) Your “bond with your family members loosens” .Spending a quality time with your family decreases day by day. You always get annoyed at your home. Every time you find yourself shouting on someone. Your family miss the “older you”.
10) “Lying to your parents” becomes a part of your daily routine. You always speak lies to your mom and dad, without any guilt. You feel your parents are old and they will not understand you, but don’t forget that even you will be at their place in some part of your life. Will it be “cool” to get cheated?
Your future and your life is in your own hands. So choose your friends wisely and lead a happy life.