How Science And Technology Has Helped Sports


sciecne and sports

Science is used everywhere, it is an important aspect of human kind. Science is not only the study of Universe or some chemicals; it is a massive service to the Human Kind. Science and Technology has been growing in the field of sports and there is no doubt it has helped Sports to become better, helped sportsmen and helped the fans enjoy the experience of sports. Science has helped players in development and skills through different programs which are done by experts containing doctors, trainers who take the help of science. It has helped in monitoring fitness levels, injury levels etc.

One of the biggest examples of importance of Science in Sports would be taken from the incident of Fabrice Muamba who had collapsed on the football pitch with a cardiac arrest who was dead for 78 minutes but survived. Without the help of doctors and ‘science’ he would have been victim of death on the field from cardiac arrest to sportsmen which has happened to many players in the past and still happens everywhere in the world of sports.

Technology has helped viewing of sports better with greater camera angles, clarity, and an enjoyment for fans. Not only the viewing but Technology has redefined rules of major sports like Cricket. I don’t think a Cricket match in modern era would happen without the help of technology. Even in Football the Goal-line technology is added.

Science and Technology is improving and is in the great shape to help the world of Sports. The only reason we are really capable of enjoying our favorite sport to the fullest is because of the advancement in these field.

– Jainam Jhaveri

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