How Should A BMS Student Make Use Of The 75-25 Exam Pattern?


How Should A BMS Student Make Use Of The 75-25 Exam Pattern?

Mumbai university

As you know, MUMBAI UNIVERSITY changed the exam pattern from 60-40 to 75-25. Instead of crying about this change, start preparing yourself for this new pattern as MU might not change that pattern anytime soon.


  1. You will have to be thorough with your question bank.

Since there will be 5 main questions for 15 marks each, you will have more questions to attempt. You can easily pass if you complete studying the question bank that is provided to you or the one you made yourself. You can refer previous papers and ask your teacher to give a list of important questions.  


  1. You need to read many textbooks and be thorough with the content.

In the 20 marks internal paper, you will have 10 marks objective questions. They may seem easy to study, but if you attempt with the questions in doubt, you lose a lot of marks. Hence make sure you read all the topics and notes thoroughly and highlight the important lines in your textbook which will help you study for the exams.


  1. Read case-studies from your textbooks.

Case studies may seem easy to attempt, but is very difficult to score good marks in this type of question. You will have to prepare well in advance for the subject and read the case study examples in the back of any textbook. Especially subjects like marketing, you will have to read as many case studies as possible and learn to form answers accordingly.


  1. Make sure you attend 75% of your lectures and don’t come in defaulters list.

Earlier in the 60-40 pattern, there were a lot of marks allotted for attendance, behaviour, etc. But now there are only 5 marks. You need to earn those 5 marks because it will help you avoid getting an ATKT. You can also avoid coming in the defaulters list.

 make notes


  1. You can spend some time for searching examples and making notes for any subjects.

Since you don’t have to spend any time for assignments and presentations, you can utilize the extra time for gathering data and examples related to your topics which will help you understand the subject better. You can also make notes and start studying beforehand.


  1. In accounting paper, you will have to prepare well for all objective questions.

In rest of the subjects, you have objective questions only in the internal exam. But for accounting papers, you will one 15 mark question just for objective questions in the external final exam. You will have to read all theories and formulas. You can refer to any publications and read all the objectives in the back of each chapter.


  1. Study from reference books.

Since you have one extra 15 mark question, just studying from one book is not enough. You need to refer different publications and reference books. By doing this you have a rough idea about what exactly is the content about and you can form your own answers from all the books. You can avoid this situation by taking reference books from the library.


By following this you can at least secure good marks in your exams, without bothering about the paper pattern. You don’t have to worry about the 60-40 anymore, because you can make the best out of 75-25.


By Rhea Shetty.


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Rhea Shetty

I started out as a science student,But then I wanted to do something which showcases my creativity and not just book knowledge. So I choose BMS and here I am excelling in every field. BMS is the best decision I have ever made. Hoping to help everyone with my posts.