How Should You Manage Time For STUDIES!



Within the starting days of college we start to realize the bulk of studies dumping and find how important it is to manage time. It’s often with so many works in a day we fall short of time to study. Studies are given the last priority always. At the end of the day when you are scheduled to study you find yourself tired and the effort to open a book is not founded. It’s always a tough decision whether to turn the page or close the book.

This results into burning the midnight lamp during exams, skipping concepts, and at last studying merely to pass. Scoring average then becomes like a regular bath and the graph only comes down. You need to manage time for your studies and do the smart work. Being students you need to know how to manage the most critical and important asset – TIME.

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You cannot start your ‘MISSION STUDIES’ WITHOUT A PROPER WRITE UP PLAN. Make a proper schedule/timetable for the following day and week. Allot time to every event if possible. Allot time to studies when you know – you will concentrate more. And the most important be determined enough to stick to your schedule. If you really want to study and achieve your weekly targets.

List down the subjects and chapters you wish to cover in the day. And your primary aim should be – to be able to come to the stage when you strike out the work as DONE. And to reach their you have to do the jotted work. Don’t forget to give yourself a break to breathe, bath, eat and sleep. Or else you will end up being tired and your schedule is wasted.



If you have too much on your plate- use the REVISE AND PREPARE formula. And the ones who have quite ample hours to study – this is a must for you. REVISE the stuffs taught in today’s class and make it thorough itself. The things are fresh so your brain grabs it very easily and you will remember it for long. This is best for the ones having memory issues. Also you can write down all the pointers or key sections of your answers to lock it in your brain. All you need is to simply revise today’s study without fail.


PREPARE – after revising, Prepare for the next day’s class and imagine yourself answering all the questions in class tomorrow. The teacher is impressed by your sincerity and the class is amazed by your preparation.

Teacher praises your efforts in front of your class and who wants to miss this best feeling. Here you are doing the smart work by revising today’s class work and preparing for the next. At the end of the week you will find yourself mastering in all your subjects.

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I know holidays are meant for hanging out, chilling, partying, and resting. But why to waste a full fledged free Sunday in front of the T.V box or snoring in bed. Give yourself the required rest or a little more than that and start with your ‘MISSION STUDIES’ energetically.

You have a whole free day to your room. You are not missing any class and sitting home to study, the day is gifted to you. So Strip your holidays. Do your maximum studies on Sundays and a useless holiday. Prepare your schedule- list down all subjects- all chapters- and start. Make your own quick refer notes.

This will help you revise during exams and memorize. Trust me – the feeling of using a holiday so productively will give you a very gratified feel and you will pat your back.



If you are not sincere with your studies and unwilling to work – no one can help you. Self- motivate yourself and understand the importance of your studies. Be passionate and merge your interest. Do you want to add India’s stats of illiterates and unemployed?



Be far from people and things who help you to waste your precious time while study.

-Chuck all types of networking, switch off your phones, and be far from your PC and television.

-Don’t plan a meet with your best friend while studies – you will only end up with tons of gossips and no study.

-Avoid calls especially when you know the call would be brief.

-Deal with unexpected visitors politely and say them you are busy for the time being, set another convenient time.

-Stand and talk – this will end up the meeting soon.

-Stay away from family obligations – allot different times to them too. images (1)


What If your schedule is disturbed with a sudden family function or a friend’s party? What if you suddenly fall sick? It’s better to plan in advance for the events and get prepared according to it. Include some free time or a free day in your schedule to deal with such problems. And on the contrary if the things go perfect – the extra free time can b used up for your pleasure. 😀

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#7. Stay healthy.

Caring for your health may seem basic but if you really want to perform at your best you will have to stay healthy. Staying healthy includes regular exercise, sleeping well. A good sleep helps your mind to stay peaceful and perform at the peak. Lack of sleep can make the day seem longer and hence work difficult. Another good idea is to take a walk or sit at your window while switching subjects. This will recharge your brain and reset it with clear ideas.

There are only 24 hours in a day. Being productive every time is not possible. But you can control and use up your each hour and manage your studies effectively. You need to give yourself time to set with the schedule habit and be sincere. And track your academics flawlessly. Best of Luck! 😉



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