How Soap Operas Dilapidates Our IQs


So, daily soaps… Indian television is filled with ‘n’ numbers of daily soaps which has canopied the prime hours of the ‘Idiot box’ as well as the household of almost every Indian family.

From what little I have seen I can insinuate that it is the origin of Coincidences.  I feel like those melodramatic scenes are an indication towards to the ‘seed of love’ whereas that is not even a mile near reality. It happens so that the operas has a loving and fun filled threshold and turns out to be family drama where the so-called Mother traumatizing the ‘Bahu’ and the husband stays helpless. This creates a false imagery of the viewers who resemble these post. Other than that, if we want to blend an actor back into a show, there’s always a way. You can generally find a way to twist and manipulate something. You rarely see a dead body,even if you do, he or she can always come back to play the evil identical twin.

kahani ghar ghar ki


When asked to people who watch these shows on a daily basis their reply was ‘to get entertain’ So we can make out from this, that people have drastically changed their taste from what was the original cult soap opera ‘Hum log’ which was about family welfare and had a social message after each episode and literally made people go into tears during their final episodes. Such operas with such a stupendous influence and response from the audience paved the path for so many genres in soap operas.

And yes, who could forget their immortality, it’s like grandmother becomes great grandmother, and great grandmother is still young with three fringes of white hair, No one wants to die, unless they are in some trifles with the production house.250

Further talking about these shows, I can assume that this soaps are purely made for the age group of 30-70. Because I believe that teenagers are least bothered in their own families, so these serials are far beyond the talk. So they have a good riddance over these melodrama due to our vast social networking hub.

maharana pratap


Now coming down towards the historical soap operas say, ‘Ashoka’ or the newly gained popular show ‘Maharana Pratap’ these shows has gained importance and significance no doubt, but again the adulteration and manipulation techniques we Indians use in order to keep the show like a chewing gum.

Each serials thrives to make their lead a ‘good guy’ and there is only one side of the coin revealed whilst others sit back and show rigorous villainy, for example;  take the show Maharana Pratap in which Maharana Pratap is the humble, loyal patriotic warrior whereas Akbar is a ruthless, evil, dominant leader. Due to such serials the viewers would never be able to know the true and wide picture of our history and always will be in bewilderment so as to which history is righteous.

No matter what we do to prove it wrong or silly or lame I can only conclude that these serials are a good pass time for women especially mothers who after a day’s hard work seek solace in these operas because I don’t know or I will never know it triumphs over reality. And I would say each and every one of us knows reality sucks, accept it or deny it. Kids with their games, teenagers with their movies and books, adults with their serials and elderly with their prayers. We all believe that fiction and alternate realities weighs far more than hardships of this world. Period.


 Mohammed Suratwala 

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