How to Answer Questions Better Than Anyone Else?



You might have observed some people who really stand out of the crowd the way they speak and communicate with others. The word “Communication” seems as an easy word but it isn’t. Not all possess the habit of answering questions  clearly and up to the point. You should be willing to answer the questions as you are willing to ask for. If you stumble or mumble while answering  people tend to feel as if you don’t know the answer, or you aren’t cooperative, lack confidence or don’t know what are you doing. Breaking the norms and learning how to answer more efficiently is the way you can enhance your communication skills.

Choose your words and tone carefully to hit the right degree of clarity.

Choose your words wisely. Learn how to use proper words at proper time as every word is different. Volume and tone are two other important things if you want people to listen to you…Develop a relaxed tone and a good facial expression. Julian Treasure in his Ted talk  explained how to speak in a way that people will listen. A must watch.

Attentively lean forward to answer the questions.

Attentively lean forward to answer the questions simply, concisely, truthfully, and targeted to the audience. Focus on your words and use completed sentences. This kind off approach can engage listener to be connected to you.

Practice important or complicated answers when you’re not on the hot seat.


So that you are completely prepared and do not behave all flabbergasted when asked. Think about the answers properly. Think about what you should, what you could or want to answer. You can even rehearse it aloud or on your smart phone to play it back again and hear from your listener’s perspective. Add words to get the reaction you want.

Try out different words to test the different effects.

As I earlier said, every word is different from one another..even synonyms can lag in their meanings. Follow how airline pilots are told to minimize the traveller’s anxiety. Changing words might cause a major difference like ” the new arrival or departure time is.. ” is more suitable than “late”. The word “gate” is preferable to “terminal.” And “destination” sure beats “final destination.”

Choose descriptive words.

As it attracts your listeners and is a great way to answer in a better sense. “We have a number of beautiful referrals” is more appealing than ” we have lot of referrals”. “We work well together,” is less convincing than “We work in harmony.” If you don’t know the answer, simply say I don’t know. Don’t try to fake it or bluff it. “I don’t know but I’ll find it out ” is more convincing. Don’t just try to show more than what you know or believe.

“Yes” and “no” are perfectly acceptable answers to almost every question.

And they are conversation killers too. Answering  “That’s something I choose not to answer,” to people who tend to be nosy should be handy. If you get back the same questions again and again that means you are not answering properly or satisfactorily. Try to end your answer with “Is that what you were asking?” or “Does that answer the question?” to make sure you did.


If you want people to listen to you and your answers properly, you first need to be a good listener rather than a good speaker. Get involved in the conversation and do not make it an interview. You need to hear and know their interests and priorities to determine the answers you need to give and questions you need to continue to ask. Returning to questions unanswered by you is also a good way to demonstrate that you listen, show and take responsibility  to answer the questions asked.

-Vatsal Doshi

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I'm a guy who loves to learn as long as I like it. Else than that, I like to blog, play games, listen to music and make new friends. Passionate about football. My motto- "Spread happiness as it's free of cost!" :)


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