How To Be Friends With Dominating Women


dominating women

Women are considered to be dominating as compared to men. But it is not always right because at times there are men who are much more dominating than women. Even then there are quite few women who are dominating and there has to be a recipe to make friendship with them, both for a man or women:

10 Ways to get along with dominating women:


  • Being humble with such women really helps

When they are wrong, support them but once when you are friends and you have won her confidence correct her. This helps you getting in her good books and also maintains your relationship with her.


  • Appraising her or Complimenting her

Dominating women easily slip when you praise them. One can say they thirst for compliments and likes people who compliment them for their small things for example; the new dress they have worn


  • Getting along with people they like

Another way to make friends with them is becoming friends with her close friends and so automatically she notices you and makes you her friends


  • Gifting her

At times presents helps to become friends with women that are dominating. Every woman loves gifts while dominating women love them a little too much


  • Helping her in her troubles

Though some women are dominating but they are certainly people with good hearts and somewhere are lonely and so when they get a helping hand, they feel good and wanted among everybody which helps in a way to get along with them.


  • Telling her the truth

People believe dominating women like false appraisal but it’s not certainly the case always. They like appraisals but that is true and one should tell her the truth which initially might hurt her but will surely get you close to her.


  • Correcting her when she is wrong

Friendship is when you correct the person when he or she is wrong rather than supporting them. Same goes when it comes to dominating women but in a slightly humble tone as they are much more egoistic than others and also correct her when nobody is around or else it might hurt her ego


  • Telling her No

Dominating women like those who have the courage to tell her ‘no’. So try telling her no when she asks or tells something irrelevant that will help yours and her friendship.


  • Teach her to apologize

Be among her those friends who just not falsely appraise her but make her realize her mistakes and tell her it’s ok to be sorry. It won’t get her down in front of anybody but will raise her respect and people will like her for her apology


  • Help her to control her dominating nature

Tell her sometimes her nature is not really liked by everybody. People do not really understand her due to her dominating nature and hence try to minimize it



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